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Donation Drop-Off
Accepted Donations
Baby and Children's Clothing
Size preemie- through 8 Kids)
Crib or mini crib bedding
changing pads and covers
Cold Weather GearHats, gloves, snow pants, winter boots, winter coats
Items for Moms
Maternity Clothing
Pregnancy Pillows
Pregnancy and Parenting books
Feeding and Infant Care
High chairs
Baby bottles/ Sippy cups
Unopened Formula
Baby plates and bowls
Breastfeeding supplies
Please no breast pumps
Baby Furniture and Toys
Board books
Tummy time mats
Baby floor chairs and rockers
Baby Carriers and Wraps
Infant Swings
Baby Soap and Lotion
Diaper Cream
Children's OTC Medicine
Diapers/Baby Wipes
Towels and washcloths
Baby Bath tubs
Postpartum Care
Large Items
Strollers(Double, umbrella and standard)
Pack and Plays
Infant Swings
Baby Play Centers
Please no cribs or car seats
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